5 Interesting Facts About Transformers

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5 Interesting Facts About Transformers

As the name suggests, the transformer is an electric device that transfers electricity from one circuit to another. It works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

As the name suggests, the transformer is an electric device that transfers electricity from one circuit to another. It works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. If you are searching for the best quality transformers, we, one of the most renowned Transformer Manufacturers In Mumbai, Trutech Products, are the platform where your search ends. We dedicatedly worked for years and manufactured top-grade material products for you. Our experts double-check the quality and ensure the safety of our products. Let’s first take a tour of some interesting facts about transformers. Here we go.

Some Facts About Transformers

Why do Transformers Works Only On AC?

There are two types of current alternating current and direct current. But the transformers only work on the AC. It doesn’t work on the DC. Now the question arises why is it so? So the reason for this is that DC has no varying field, and it remains constant, so no relative motion between coil and core takes place that is necessary for electromotive force. Hence no power is transferred from primary to secondary. Also, the transformer has low resistance and high inductance, but DC has no inductance and only resistance. It results in an excessive flow of current in the primary circuit of the Control Transformer that causes burning it.

Why Are Transformers Connected In Parallel?

In every industry or electricity department, the transformers are connected in parallel, not in series. Again a question comes to your mind, why are they not linked in series? It's because when the transformers are connected in parallel, the load gets divided between them. It also increases the reliability of the circuit. But when we join the transformers in series, the current remains the same, so no load is shared. And in this case, if one transformer has some fault, the whole circuit of transformers will stop working, which results in the disruption of the electricity supply.

Why Copper Wound Transformers Preferred Instead Of Aluminum One?

Copper wound transformers are preferred in place of aluminum Rectifier Transformers because copper has various advantages. Here are some points:-

  • Copper is more tensile, strong, and rigid than the aluminum
  • Copper is less resistivity than the aluminum
  • Copper enhances energy performance than aluminum

Why Are Transformers Always Stationary?

There are no rotating parts in the transformer to generate output. The coils are wound around the stationary iron core, and the whole transformer is enclosed in a tank. So, the transformer requires no rotating parts for generating power.

Tank Is Made Of Steel, But Why It Not Develops Current?

The tank of the transformer is of carbon steel. But it won't give you shock? I know it’s shocking but true. Now the question arises, why the body of the transformer does not develop current on its tank? The answer is simple. There is transformer oil between the primary and secondary coils and between the body of the transformer and coils. This oil helps in offering insulation from conductivity. That’s why the body of the transformer never develops any current.

These are some impressive facts about transformers. We, one of the eminent Transformer Manufacturers in India, are committed to offering you 100% safe and reliable products. It’s our hard work and dedication that help us to gain a reliable name in the domain. So talk to our experts and get timely delivery. Call us now or drop an email here.

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